"RBI Withdraws ₹2,000 Notes, Sets ₹20,000 Exchange Limit for Smooth Transition."
- The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has made an announcement regarding the withdrawal of ₹2,000 currency notes from circulation. However, the existing ₹2,000 notes will still be considered valid legal tender. People can either deposit these notes into their bank accounts or exchange them for other denominations until September 30.
- To ensure convenience and prevent disruptions at bank branches, the RBI has set a limit for exchanging ₹2,000 notes. Starting from May 23, 2023, individuals can exchange up to ₹20,000 worth of ₹2,000 notes at a time in any bank. Banks have been instructed to stop issuing ₹2,000 notes immediately.
- Additionally, the RBI's 19 Regional Offices will provide the facility to exchange ₹2,000 notes up to the limit of ₹20,000 at a time starting from May 23.
The ₹2,000 denomination notes were introduced in November 2016 to meet the immediate currency requirements after the withdrawal of ₹500 and ₹1,000 notes.
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